DVAL Submission Guidelines

Artwork submission documents:
Download Art Labels
Download the Exhibition Disclaimer Form
Official Exhibition Policies and Procedures
Only “Full Members” and “friend of DVAL” Members may exhibit work in juried and non-juried shows and participate in Art Sales.
Exhibitors must submit original work for all shows. Reproductions of any type will be rejected by the Exhibition Committee. No Digitally generated work, photographs or sculptures are accepted in any DVAL exhibit or art sale.
If you are working from photographs, they must be your own. Do not use photos from the internet. While stock photos may be used as a reference, you may not copy another persons photo in its entirety for any artwork that is intended for competition (juried exhibitions), with or without permission from the photographer. As this is, in essence passing someone else’s creative vision as your own.
Entry fees are used to support the cost of the show and therefore are not refundable if your work is not accepted.
Not-for-sale (NFS) works are permitted at permanent venues, but they are not accepted at art sales and special exhibitions/events unless otherwise noted.
No work may be submitted for the jury process for the same venue where it has previously been shown. It may, however, be re-entered for the jury process in another DVAL show held in another venue.
All work for juried shows will be juried by an outside professional who is pre-determined by the Juror Procurement Director.
All work to be juried must have the DVAL entry label attached to the back (top left corner). A duplicate label is to be handed in to the Exhibition Committee. Labels are available on the website or at Membership Meetings.
All work to be juried must be delivered between 10:00am and 12:30pm on the day of the scheduled jury. No work will be accepted after 12:30pm when the jury process begins.
Each member is permitted to submit two (2) pieces of work to be juried unless otherwise noted. The fee is $10 ($5 for board members) payable upon submission of entry.
If members are permitted to enter more than one (1) piece of work at Special Exhibitions/Events, an additional fee may be charged for each piece submitted. This will be clearly stated in the event prospectus.
All artists participating in DVAL shows (regardless of the size of their work) are now required to acknowledge that they have read and understand DVAL policy as it relates to loss or damage of paintings. The liability policy will be posted at the entry sign-in table.
The jury process will be done in a secure place during the membership meeting and may run longer than the meeting. When this occurs the membership will be asked to remain in the room where the program is being held until the jury process is complete. At that time prizes will be announced, and members may then pick up their work.
Those members who do not stay for the membership meeting must be prepared to pick up their entries by 3:00pm. Failure to do so will result in a $20 fine. They may not enter the jury room until the doors are opened by the Committee.
An acceptance slip will be attached to the back wire if work is accepted for that show. If there is no acceptance slip, your work has not been accepted for that show.
Only the Exhibition Director or Coordinator and their representatives may be present during the jury process. Their job is solely to assist the juror. They shall have no input as to what pieces are chosen or which members receive awards or prizes; this is the sole responsibility of the juror.
Members (including the Exhibition Committee) may not have any contact with the juror to discuss their work (or any other member’s work) before, during or after the jury process. Doing so will result in immediate expulsion from the organization.
Prizes awarded are: First Place $150, Second Place $100, Third Place $75, Honorable Mention $25. When available, Memorial Awards may be awarded (the value of these awards varies).
A member may only be awarded one (1) award per show.
If a painting is juried into a show and is not delivered or hung in that show, the artist will be fined $20 and will be prohibited from exhibiting at the next juried show at that venue.
If an artist brings a painting to a show that deviates from the one juried in, it will be rejected at delivery by the Exhibition Committee, the artist will be fined $20 and will also be prohibited from exhibiting at the next juried show at that venue.
According to the Official Policies and Procedures of the Delaware Valley Art League, even if your paintings are accepted by the juror, they will be rejected by the Exhibition Committee if they do not meet the following standards:
All work must be original
All work must be properly framed unless using gallery wrapped canvases (gallery wrapped canvases have edges 1 ½” or wider)
No broken or damaged frames
No dirty or unsightly mats
Acid free foam core or Masonite backing only. Cardboard or other non-acid-free material is not acceptable
Glass or plexiglass must be clean, without scratches or cracks
All frames should be properly wired and ready to hang
Screw eyes and zig-zag hooks are not acceptable
All artists are respectfully asked to keep in mind that these are public shows when choosing their subject matter. Any subject matter depicting nudity will be rejected at all DVAL exhibitions.
Show delivery hours at Penn Medicine at Valley Forge are 9:00am to 10:30am on the date specified (unless otherwise noted).
All work must be signed in at the show by the artist (or their representative) at delivery and signed out by the artist (or their representative) when picking up the work at the end of the show.
If an artist is unable to deliver or pick up their work at specified times they are responsible for arranging a substitute in their absence. A fine of $20 will be charged for failure to do so. In addition, they will be prohibited from entering the next show at that venue. There will be no reimbursement for loss or damage for any work that is not picked up.
All fines will be collected by the Treasurer once the Exhibition Coordinator identifies the need.
Prices may not be changed, nor can any piece be removed or substituted before the end of the exhibition unless sold.
No painting may be moved, once hung, by anyone other than the Exhibition Committee.
It is the Exhibition Coordinator’s responsibility to ensure that no volunteer/member receives preferential treatment concerning where their work is hung.
Paintings which are sold are not required to stay for the duration of the show (unless otherwise noted). They may be replaced with a non-juried painting however, the label must reflect that this is a non-juried replacement.
All arrangements of sales and delivery to the buyer are to be made by the artist, unless otherwise noted.
When a painting is sold, the artist must notify the Exhibition Coordinator to arrange the day and time to remove/exchange the work. They must also provide the DVAL Mailing List Coordinator with the purchaser’s contact information for DVAL records.
Most of the policies and procedures that apply to the permanent venue shows also apply to Special Exhibitions. Policies and procedures that differ will be clearly stated in the event’s prospectus.
As a volunteer run organization all members are expected to volunteer whatever time they can during the course of the year.
Those members whose work is chosen for Special Exhibitions/Events/Art Sales must agree to help with that show in order to participate, unless otherwise noted.
All paintings in DVAL Exhibitions will be carefully handled; however DVAL will not be responsible for loss or damage except that which occurs during the process of hanging DVAL shows. Damage payments are not to exceed $150 regardless of the cost to repair or replace the damaged piece.