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Internal Review Jurying
Internal Review Jurying
Next Internal Review is April 2, 2025
Please contact Jeanne Gunther (​ if you are interested in bringing work in for jurying.
DVAL Internal Review Committee
The Internal Review Committee meets twice a year in April and November. All Associate Members may participate in the process by contacting the Internal Review Director, who will then provide specific dates and instructions relating to the process.
In order for your work to be reviewed, the following general requirements must be met:
Each Candidate must be a DVAL member in good standing.
Each Candidate must bring in 3 pieces of their best work (there are no size restrictions).
All 3 pieces of work must be in the same medium.
All 3 pieces must be original. Reproductions of any kind will not be reviewed.
All 3 pieces must be properly framed and ready to hang according to DVAL standards.
DVAL does not exhibit reproductions, photographs, digitally produced or Artificial Intelligence (AI) work or sculpture and will not review work of this nature. If you are working from photographs, they must be your own. Do not use any photographs from the internet. Refer to DVAL Official Policies and Procedures, under Exhibitions for additional information.
Your work will be evaluated, by a jury of 5 accredited artists, based on the following:
Professional Presentation
Drawing, Mark Making Skills
Overall Mastery of the Medium
Consistency of Quality/Style
Once an Associate Member successfully passes the review, they immediately become a Full Member and are eligible to submit work to all juried and non-juried DVAL Shows.
If an Associate Members work is not accepted at this time, they are still considered a member of DVAL and will continue to enjoy all the benefits of an Associate Member. Membership dues will not be refunded.
To sign up for the next Internal Review, or if you have additional questions, please contact:
Internal Review Director
Jeanne Gunther