L-R Judy Hummer, Elise Phillips, Jaclyn Beam, E. Phillips past workshops
DVAL offers its members an opportunity to participate in workshops at very reasonable rates. Our workshops are conducted by professional artists who have given demonstrations of their work at the membership meeting at least one week before the workshop.
The workshops are held on Tuesdays at Newtown Square Presbyterian Church. Members and their guests may register by clicking on the links provided on this page, at the membership meeting, or by emailing the workshop coordinator (Annette Hearing, annettehearing@yahoo.com). Members will be notified by email of any changes in plans regarding workshop logistics.
You must register for a workshop, no later than the Saturday before the workshop date. If we don't have at least 8 people registered, we reserve the right to cancel the workshop and issue refunds. Click on the links to the left for more information regarding workshop details including artists' bio, workshop description, and a supply list.
The workshops run from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please bring your own boxed lunch.
Members: $50.00
Non-Members: $60.00
​All meetings and workshops are held at: